In the last 24 hours we've had a lot of new readers to ProBlogger after a couple of links from sites like Yahoo.
If this is your first time (or you're newish to ProBlogger) to then I thought I'd put together a quick tour of my online home.
Firstly, my name's Darren Rowse (that's me posing with my computer monitor trying to look like that's a normal thing to do) and – I'm a full time blogger. I blog both here at ProBlogger but also at Digital Photography School.
ProBlogger is a blog that is devoted to helping bloggers improve their blogging and explore ways to earn an income at the same time by writing about topics that they love.
More and more bloggers are now making at least a part time income blogging – with some even having gone 'Pro' with full time incomes.
I write more about the reasons for this blog and my experience as a blogger in my About Page. You might also like to see some of the ways that I make money from my blogs for an introduction into how bloggers make money blogging.
If you're new to blogging you might find this 'what is a blog?' article and my series on Blogging for Beginners helpful.
If you like what you read here you can follow my future entries (I write 1-2 posts per day) in two ways – either using our RSS News feed or you can get daily updates by adding your email address to the field at the top of my sidebar.
I also send weekly(ish) newsletters out with updates from this site plus extra stuff just for subscribers. You can sign up for that here.
Resources for Bloggers
Most of what you'll find here on ProBlogger is 100% free – however I've also produced 3 resources that you might find useful:
- ProBlogger the Book – a hard cover book I co-authored two years back that is ideal for beginners wanting to explore how to make money online.
- 31 Days to Build a Better Blog – an e-book for people with blogs that have stalled and in need of a little inspiration and motivation.
- ProBlogger Community – a community of bloggers who come together to learn and collaborate to improve their blogs.
If you're looking for a blogging job – also check out the free ProBlogger Blog Job Boards.
Thanks for stopping by – I hope you enjoy your stay at ProBlogger. If you do have any questions feel free to drop me a note in a comment below or via my contact form.
Post from: Blog Tips at ProBlogger.

Welcome to ProBlogger – A Quick Tour for New Readers
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