there's also a discussion going on here:
Friday, January 27, 2012
Psychology Professor Defends Higher Education
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
iBamboo Passive Acoustic Amplifier
It's uncanny how well even the simplest passive acoustic amplifier can improve the sound that emanates from tiny handset speakers. Even though I have yet to experience the pure acoustic awesomeness of the iBamboo from New York area Etsy member Anatoliy Omelchenko, I still find that the design compliments the elegance of the iPhone 4. Produced from a single bamboo segment and finished with a black lacquer coating, the iBamboo passively amplifies handset audio when placed in the recessed dock.
Sent from James' iPhone
9 pulpy sci-fi movie posters from an alternate cinematic universe
What if there was a world in which Howard Hawks, not James Cameron, made Avatar? Or Superman starred John Wayne? Or Leonard Nimoy got to play NYPD's John McClane? No, this isn't Fringe's alternate timeline, but it could be.
Sent from James' iPhone
MPAA issues statement slamming SOPA/PIPA "blackout" protests as "dangerous gimmick"
It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information and use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today. It's a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests.
A so-called "blackout" is yet another gimmick, albeit a dangerous one, designed to punish elected and administration officials who are working diligently to protect American jobs from foreign criminals. It is our hope that the White House and the Congress will call on those who intend to stage this "blackout" to stop the hyperbole and PR stunts and engage in meaningful efforts to combat piracy."
On Wednesday, January 18, Boing Boing will be participating in the dangerous gimmick.
Sent from James' iPhone