Google today admitted that for more than 3 years, it inadvertently collected bits of private data people sent over unencrypted wireless networks. The confession comes a month after European regulators began asking Google what data Google collects as its camera-laden Street View cars cruise city and neighborhood streets, and what the search giant does with that data.

Two weeks ago, Google tried to address the questions and criticism in a blog post. It admitted to collecting certain kinds of data around the world that identify Wi-Fi networks in order to help improve its mapping products. But the company explicitly said it did not collect or store so-called "payload data" - the actual information being transmitted by users over unprotected networks.Google Says It Inadvertently Collected Personal Data (NYT) WiFi data collection: An update (Official Google Blog)But Google is now saying, in a late-night-Friday European-time confession that is sure to infuriate regulators and privacy advocates, that its previous claims were wrong.
Sent from James' iPhone
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