Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray

Lucasfilm Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet revealed at the Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) this weekend that the "Star Wars" films are coming to Blu-ray. "We have been at work for a couple of years working on - I won't call it the Ultimate Set because we keep finding stuff - but, a very full set of all six movies on Blu-ray with lots of extra material," Sansweet told IGN . "We're finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before. Beyond all of those things that you know about… there are some real treasures." While he wouldn't reveal when they will be released, he said "it won't be in the too distant future." IGN said that Sansweet also addressed the reports that the "Star Wars"...

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